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 彻底的忘记 发表于: 2019-6-13 09:47:03|显示全部楼层|阅读模式

[纪实·新闻] 人工智能助力野保 计数结果快又准

  Sue Palminteri | 作者
  朱聪颖、刘润锜 | 翻译
  王聿丹 | 审校
  达成 | 简评
  Monster | 排版
  Migratory species play akey role in the health of the Serengeti ecosystem in East Africa,but monitoringtheir populations is a time-and labor-intensive task。
  Scientists studying thesewildebeest populations compared expert observer counts of aerial imagery tocorresponding counts by both volunteer citizen scientists and deep learningalgorithms。
  Both novel methods wereable to produce accurate wildebeest counts from the images with minormodifications,the algorithms doing so FASTer than humans。
  Use of automated objectdetection algorithms requires prior“training”with specific data sets,whichin this case came from the volunteer counts,suggesting that the two methodsare both useful and complementary。
  A research team testingthe capacity of both citizen scientists and machine learning algorithms to helpsurvey the annual wildebeest migration in Serengeti National Park in Tanzaniafound that both methods could produce accurate animal counts,a boon for parkmanagers。
  一个研究小组测试了民间科学家和机器学习算法的能力,以帮助调查坦桑尼亚塞伦盖蒂国家公园(Serengeti National Park)每年的角马迁徙,发现这两种方法都能计算出准确的动物数量,这对公园管理者来说是一个福音。
  The iconic migration of1.3 million blue wildebeest(Connochaetes taurinus)and 250,000 common zebra(Equus quagga)between Serengeti and the Masaai Mara National Reserve in Kenyais the largest terrestrial animal migration on Earth。
  在塞伦盖蒂和肯尼亚马赛马拉国家保护区(Serengetiand the Masaai Mara National Reserve)之间,130万头角马(Connochaetes Taurinus)和25万头斑马(Equus Quagga)的标志性迁徙是地球上最大的陆生动物迁徙。
  Hundreds of thousands ofwildebeest,plus tens of thousands of common zebra and other grazing antelopemigrate seasonally across Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to find freshgrasses。
  Over one millionwildebeest(Connochaetes taurinus),plus tens of thousands of common zebra(Equus quagga)and other grazing antelope migrate seasonally across SerengetiNational Park in Tanzania to find fresh grasses。
  数以万计的角马,再加上数以万计的普通斑马和其他食草羚羊,季节性地迁徙穿越坦桑尼亚塞伦盖蒂国家公园(Serengeti National Park),寻找新鲜的草源。
  The migration of so manyherbivorous animals affects drives other biological process in the grasslandecosystem,including soil nutrient cycles,the balance of trees and grasses,and the abundance of insects,birds and carnivores。The population trend of thewildebeest in particular reflects levels of bushmeat poaching,disease,andother human disturbance。Understanding the health and dynamics of the migrationis thus of key interest to both researcher and Park managers,yet the sheernumbers of animals have challenged monitoring efforts。
  “The major driving forcein the Serengeti’s ecosystem is the abundance of wildebeest,”said seniorauthor Grant Hopcraft of the University of Glasgow’s Institute of BiodiversityAnimal Health & Comparative Medicine,in a statement。“[The wildebeest]influence almost every variable in the ecosystem – everything from the returnrate of fires,since they eat the grass,to the amount of insects that areavailable to migrating birds。Without wildebeest,the ecosystem would shiftinto a completely different state,and therefore it’s important to know howmany there are。”
  “塞伦盖蒂生态系统的主要驱动力是大量的角马,”格拉斯哥大学生物多样性动物健康与比较医学研究所的资深作者格兰特·霍普克拉夫特(Grant Hopcraft)在一份声明中说。“[角马]几乎影响生态系统中的每一个变量──从火灾的重现率,因为角马它们吃草,到被迁徙鸟类吃的昆虫数量。没有角马,生态系统将转变为完全不同的状态,因此了解角马有多少是很重要的。”
  Scientists have mostcommonly estimated the population size of these migrating species by flyingaerial transects,taking thousands of photographs,and counting the animalsseen in the images。From these counts,they statistically estimate the densityof animals in the region to come up with an overall population size。
  However,thelabor-intensive task of manually counting the aerial images can take three orfour skilled counters several weeks to complete,limiting team’s ability tomake a timely,accurate population estimate。
  Producing“highly accurate”counts
  The test showedthat both citizen science and deep learning algorithms can produce accurateimage counts。
  As a group,theZooniverse volunteers showed a systematic tendency to undercount the wildebeestin the images,indicating that volunteers were more likely to miss a wildebeestthan incorrectly identify some other animal or object as a wildebeest。
  In their paper,the researchers suggested that providing volunteers with a field guide toidentifying wildebeest helped prevent overcounting,but that distraction orlosses in concentration that lead to undercounting were more difficult toprevent。The researchers were able to address the undercounts by excluding(filtering)the lowest five of the 15 counts of each image。The average of justthe 10 highest counts closely approximated the expert’s count。
  They cautioned,however,that this same count bias and the approach that eliminated it mightnot apply to other studies and“there will need to be a rigorousprocess of validation before a citizen science count could be used as the solebasis for a population estimate。”
  The cumulativeimage counts for three wildebeest counting methods。(a)The mean,median andfiltered mean(just the top 10 counts)for the Zooniverse count data comparedto the expert count。The shaded region indicates the cumulative count thatwould have been recorded if the highest or lowest counts for each image wereused – in other words,substantialerror。(b)The DCNN count compared with the expert count,as its 1.7 wildebeestper image miscount was not systematic in any direction。“A comparison of deeplearning and citizen science techniques for counting wildlife in aerial surveyimages,”published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution。
  With the minormodifications and training,the computer algorithm produced a“highly accurate”wildebeest count,recordinG20,631 animals compared to the expert’s count of20,489。The algorithm did miscount by an average of 1.7 wildebeest per image,though it lacked a systematic counting bias that resulted in a total within onepercent of an expert count。
  Moreover,theresearchers wrote in their paper,it worked far faster than humans can reviewso many images。“The 1,000 images can be processedin under 2 hours,meaning every future census could be counted within 24 hours.Hence,a process that currently takes 3–6 weeks,involving 3–4 wildlife professionals and countless cupsof tea,can potentially be replaced with an automated system that runsovernight。”
  Complementary methods
  Nevertheless,DCNNs,like other machine learning algorithms,need to be“trained”to understand the task at hand.Finding sufficiently large training data sets is,the authors write,the“greatest challenge”for implementing thesealgorithms for specific conservation tasks,such as counting wildebeest,penguins,or flowering trees。In this case,the Zooniverse citizen scientistsprovided the necessary wildebeest training data that made the use of thealgorithm possible。
  但是,像其他机器学习算法一样,DCNNs 需要经过“训练”才能理解手头任务。作者说寻找足够大的训练数据集是运用这些算数在特殊的保护任务中的巨大挑战,比如计算角马,企鹅,或开花树木的数量。在这种情况下,动物世界的公民科学家提供了必要的角马训练数据,使算法的使用成为可能。
  Wildebeestmigrating through Serengeti National Park move at various densities。Countingthe individuals in dense groups or reviewing seemingly empty images can be achallenge for non-expert reviewers。
  The authors sayin their paper that new data collection technologies,such as camera traps anddrone-borne cameras,might also be able to help scientists build training datasets,expanding the niche of automated image data processing。“Our results show that deep learning algorithms are now at a statewhere they can legitimately replace manual counters and remove a large burdenfrom conservation organisations。”
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