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Tempered light Submerged turmoil──Yue Yanna Solo Exhibition
  Academic Director:Sui Jianguo
  Curator:Li Rui
  Organizer:Enjoy Museum of Art
  Co-organizer:Time Arts(New York)
  开幕时间 | Opening:2018.7.25 16:00
  展览时间 | Dates:2018.7.25-7.29
  展览地点 | Venue:北京798艺术区悦·美术馆(A、B、C厅)

《红色平行线》光  尺寸可变  2017年
《洞·生长的影子6H》大地之洞、泥、综合材料 12x15x26cm
《追光之影》综合材料  尺寸可变大到4米 2018年
《追光之影》综合材料  尺寸可变大到4米 2018年
《空》综合材料、机器  尺寸可变

Tempered light,submerged turmoil--the Yue Yanna solo Exhibition
  Li Rui
  July 25,2018-29,“ Tempered light,submerged turmoil--the Yue Yanna solo Exhibition” will be held in Beijing 798 Enjoy Art Museum,the exhibition is hosted by the Enjoy Art Museum,New York TimeArts co-sponsor,specially invited to the former China Central Academy of Fine Arts sculpture department director,Professor,the famous artist Sui Jianguo as the academic host,well-known policy Li Rui,the exhibiting artist,will exhibit young artist Yue Yanna‘s recent works of highly conceptual sculptures from the three Intertwined with each other directions of light,material and shadow。
  In the beginning of the world,all things are born,and natural creation。Inspiration comes from nature and life。However,in the eyes of artist Yue Yanna,this“nature”is not pure nature。For her,“nature”is more of the realm and practice。Since 2009,she has already begun to try to create a sculptural device with the peRCEPtion of“natural integration”。The natural light,objects and shadows show a kind of human magic and philosophical argument in her art。The ultimate ontology of the Shape without shape and an image without material,which is the ultimate existence of the many images that have no image and Invisible image,is built on her“ Think of what I think and see what I see”,and she also embodies the Taoist and Buddhist philosophy system that she understands。She emphasizes the subjectivity of her own,looking for the non-normal world from the normal world。She have joined the natural scenery and the image of the natural dust,thus exploring another unknown space,reflecting the dialectics of the unity of metaphysics and existence,and linking the objective nature and the people with the subjective thinking consciousness into one,showing the transformation and formation of the natural things……The mutual change and generation of natural things are present。Thus,the close connection with life makes metaphysics and reality depend on each other and perfect one。Her unique creative ways of thinking,exploring and digging from the language,material,time,space and gravity of the sculptures have created an artistic experience of admiration。They bring people into the realm of unspoken spirit and are very imaginative。And through a series of works,she leads us to think and explore。What is the unknown nature of light,matter and shadow?
《圆形》尺寸可变 2016年
  In the opening of the Old Testament,the Bible says,“God says,there must be light。So there is light。” Gerd once said,“the brighter the light,the deeper the shadow。”Also in the history of art,light has a very important position,the famous contemporary artist James Terrel:“I think of light as a material,but perception is my medium。”From the beginning of the first experimental work,it has become a part of the creation of everyday life that integrating the dynamic elements in the artist Yue Yanna。The research of light,material and shadow begins the exploration of the negative space in the cave in 2009。In observing and exploring the hole space on the earth,it is found that the sun on the hole and the shadow in the hole changes with time。So she tried to chase the shadows of the sun and the hole from morning till evening,filling every change of shadow with mud。As time goes on,the sun goes down,the shadows grow bigger and bigger,and the space of the cave is smaller and smaller。Finally,the shadow engulf the entire hole。Such as the shadow 6H of the cave-growth。In 2010,she gave the shadow and the stickiness and made it work together with objects to form the cross。
《十字架》侧面 综合材质 60x30x10cm 2010年
《十字架》正面 综合材质 60x30x10cm 2010年
  At the same time,she also tried to establish a new relationship between art and natural space:“ Shadow follows Light”,in the space of the entity to explore the possession of materil in time and space,and the dialectical relationship of objects from quantitative change to qualitative change,rational romantic feelings that allow light to find shadows before objects。“ Tumbling of the shadow”,“ The shadow following of Light” and other works perfectly deduce the artist‘s“ Shadow follows Light” theory,the long cube block of wood block is constantly overturned,the shadow of the projection of the wood is filled,the block is turned over and the new shadow is produced,then filled and flipped,then filled,so the reverse cycle goes down。。。The artist uses dynamic action to turn the object over and over,and at the same time the empty part of the shadow,which is constantly changing and changing,continues to fill the material,and by change makes the object become larger and larger so that the object becomes infinitely large until the volume of the object becomes filled with the space where it is filled and is forced to stop flipping。The final artist through the sculpture language,shows the changes in the relationship between time,space and form,and in the way of expression,it truly realizes the object constantly through the way of shadow tracing,the possession of the surrounding space,not the simple and stereoscopic presentation of the individual。And the artist’s human style is a deep study of spirit and nihilism,as she raises questions of life in the way of the actual movement of the world。In this continuous filling and collision,it shows the paradox of man‘s attempt to conquer nature and be conquered by nature。
《一》树枝 尺寸可变 2016年
  In the last two years,artist Yue Yanna has also combined the means of science and technology,such as the works of“empty”in 2017,such as the creation of“empty”in the 2017“empty”,floating from the white box,flying slowly into the air,and the process of producing“empty”clouds,which is the natural form of“empty”and the natural form of“empty”。It is deeply thought by the eastern and Western religious conceptions and the conceptualization in the literary context,and artistically manipulate the natural landscape artificially。This unnaturalized perception and interpretation of nihility,mind,life and return,and the reality also imply an anxiety and insecurity of the artist who is experiencing a period of extreme uncertainty,and everything that seems empty,but is passionate and deeply buried in the need to maintain a rational scale of life。The introspection of the social situation of the today‘s society turned her into the other。She gave all the initiative to nature,gave it to science and technology,let nature express himself,rather than give it a rational creation of any artist’s subjective feelings。She used less language to stimulate the viewer‘s more spiritual experience and metaphysical thinking。The understanding of nature,the relationship between man and nature,and the power of real life。
  裂变的流徙 | 40x Junge Kunst aus China──第三届德中青年艺术家发展基金联展,德中文化交流基金会,德国柏林
  法国巴黎 Art En Capital艺术展,法国巴黎
  2016 “关键的链接”中瑞艺术展,瑞士,圣乌尔班当代艺术博物馆
  2015第七届贵州青年美术作品展 获金奖,贵阳
  2015喂 未来:找朋友──发现青年艺术家,北京今日美术馆
  2014 明天当代雕塑展,重庆
  2013 海纳百川──中国·东营雕塑艺术展,山东
  2013“ 2013年中国雕塑年鉴”展览,国家大剧院
  2013 张晓刚研究生当代艺术创作奖学金展 获奖,CAEA美术馆
  2012 中国当代抽象雕塑展,西安
  2012 大荒西经──成渝当代雕塑邀请展,文轩美术馆
  2011 中国雕塑学会青年推荐计划系列展览之“灵”,北京798
  2011 中国雕塑学会青年推荐计划巡回展览之“启”,全国巡展
  2011 中国姿态·第二届中国雕塑大展,北京
  2010 罗中立奖学金展,获奖,重庆美术馆

Time Arts时代艺术
  Add:255-10 Northern Blvd,Little Neck,NY,11362
  Time Arts时代艺术2017年成立于纽约,作为国际画廊,致力于探索多元文化背景下艺术创作的影响力,携手具有世界公民意识的艺术家参与全球艺术的发展进程。
  Founded in New York 2017,Time Arts is an international fine art gallery that dedicated to explore the influence of artistic creation in a diverse cultural context。With artists of global vision and strong sense of citizenship,Time Arts hope to explore and participate in the global art scene。
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