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 楼主: 雪儿|查看: 6406|回复: 97

Photo of the Day

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 12:59:58|只看该作者

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July 17, 2010

Spanish Dancer Nudibranch

Photograph by David Doubilet, National Geographic

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
There are more than 3,000 known nudibranch species, and scientists estimate there are another 3,000 yet to be discovered. So-called Spanish dancers, like this one off the coast of New South Wales, Australia, boast some distinctions over other nudibranchs: First, they can be enormous, reaching a foot and a half (46 centimeters) long. Most nudibranchs are finger-size. Second, it can swim, a skill most of its cousins lack.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 13:00:16|只看该作者
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July 16, 2010

Manta Ray, Maldives

Photograph by Michel Braunstein, My Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
Each year lunar tides and Indian Ocean monsoon currents combine to drive plankton and tropical krill into confined bays around the islands of the Maldives. These protein-packed waters invite large concentrations of manta rays to an all-you-can-eat buffet. Despite their large size, with wingspans stretching up to 12 feet (3.6 meters), as many as 200 mantas may pack a football field-sized bay during these feeding frenzies.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 13:00:33|只看该作者

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July 15, 2010

Red Foxes, Connecticut

Photograph by Kevin LeShane, Your Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
Recently, a red fox has been hunting in the marsh behind my condo on the Connecticut shoreline. I've seen her during the early morning hours when I walk my dog and on my way to work. I thought it strange to see a traditionally circumspect creature in such a public venue. These two are the explanation, it turns out. She and her two kits (featured here) have a den within the boulders of the seawall by the town docks. Every day they become more curious of their enraptured audience, us.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 13:00:52|只看该作者

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July 14, 2010

Baboon, Bronx Zoo

Photograph by Richard Conde, My Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
A baboon in the Bronx Zoo, New York
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 13:01:08|只看该作者

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July 13, 2010


Photograph by Jis Jose, My Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
This owl is at the Carolina Raptor Center in Huntersville, North Carolina.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 13:01:22|只看该作者

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July 12, 2010

Grizzly Bears

Photograph by Duncan Crawford, My Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
Grizzly bears gather at prime fishing spots during the summer, when salmon run upstream to spawn.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 13:01:38|只看该作者

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July 11, 2010

Cattle Egret, Florida

Photograph by Troy Lim, Your Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
I shot this in Bradenton, Florida. The overcast day worked to my advantage. This cattle egret just brought in a stick and was staring at me.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 13:01:56|只看该作者

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July 10, 2010

Albino Alligator

Photograph by Jak Wonderly, My Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
A rare albino alligator photographed from underwater creates a mirror-like reflection on the surface. It was photographed in captivity—white alligators are too conspicuous to predators to survive in the wild.

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July 10, 2010

Albino Alligator

Photograph by Jak Wonderly, My Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
A rare albino alligator photographed from underwater creates a mirror-like reflection on the surface. It was photographed in captivity—white alligators are too conspicuous to predators to survive in the wild.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 13:02:13|只看该作者

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July 9, 2010

Leopard Cub, Tanzania

Photograph by Owen Kilgour, Your Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
A leopard cub explores the long grass in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-13 13:02:35|只看该作者

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July 8, 2010

Cormorant With Catch

Photograph by Mike Bueno, Your Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
A cormorant returns with its catch at dawn in the Pantanal, a vast wetland that sprawls across Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay.
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