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 楼主: 雪儿|查看: 6078|回复: 95

Photo of the Day

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-19 13:13:53|只看该作者

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January 6, 2011


Photograph by Dev Banerjee, Your Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Your Photos
I was trying to frame this bumblebee for a long time. After several attempts, I somehow managed this. Guess that's nature—ever changing and bountiful. One lifetime and a camera is not enough to fathom it.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-19 13:14:08|只看该作者
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January 5, 2011

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Photograph by Amy Helene Johansson

This Month in Photo of the Day: Your Photos
A woman is riding between the railway carriages of a local train heading north from Dhaka, the Bangladesh capital. Her luggage is tucked under the carriage in front of her. It is the month of Ramadan, a fast that culminates in Eid-ul-Fitr, a three-day celebration. Tens of thousands of people leave the city to go to their home village and celebrate with their families. Trains are packed and many who fail to get tickets before they sell out or can’t afford buying them at the black market ride on the roof of the train or, like this woman, finds a quiet spot between the carriages.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-19 13:14:22|只看该作者

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January 4, 2011

New York City

Photograph by Juan Pablo Velasco, Your Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Your Photos
The girl looking at the lens was something I only realized when I saw the picture on my computer.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-19 13:14:39|只看该作者

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January 3, 2011

Port Orford, Oregon

Photograph by Randall Scholten, Your Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Your Photos
A quaint and cozy little seafood restaurant on the commercial dock in Port Orford, Oregon, is all decked out for the holidays in this photo taken at first light. Life in this small, rustic fishing village is frozen in the past when life was much less hectic and when the simple pleasures of life were still noticed and appreciated.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-19 13:14:53|只看该作者

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January 2, 2011

Alberta, Canada

Photograph by Dwayne Holmwood, My Shot

This Month in Photo of the Day: Your Photos
Beautiful frost at sunset in Alberta
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-19 13:15:10|只看该作者

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January 1, 2011

Southern Masked Weaver

Photograph by Jiri Slama

This Month in Photo of the Day: Your Photos
It was a priceless opportunity to watch these amazing builders constructing their homes from the very beginning till the end, from the first framework made of a few grass leaves till the very last stalk had been implemented and all the salient parts smoothed to satisfy the female.
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