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 楼主: 雪儿|查看: 8922|回复: 81

Pakistan: A nation in turmoil

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-5-14 10:10:24|只看该作者

Mian Khursheed / Reuters

Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri, the bodyguard arrested for killing Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, shouts religious slogans while being taken away by police after his court appearance in Islamabad on Jan. 5. Five hundred moderate Pakistani religious scholars have warned that anyone who expresses grief over the assassination of a senior ruling party official who opposed the country's blasphemy law could suffer the same fate.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-5-14 10:10:45|只看该作者
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Muhammed Muheisen / AP

Pakistani police officers collect evidence at the scene where Punjab Gov. Salman Taseer was shot dead by one of his guards, in Islamabad, Jan. 4. The governor of Pakistan's powerful Punjab province was assassinated by one of his guards.

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