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  Beyond the Metropolises
  SHANG Hui,Chief Curator of Kunming Art Biennale,Director of Fine Arts Theory Committee of China Artists Association,Doctoral Supervisor
  Metropolises are symbols of modern civilization。
  In geographic terms,metropolises refer to a densely populated area with clusters of buildings,accessible geographical locations and convenient transport systems。From an economics perspective,metropolises are a network of markets – housing,labour,land and transport – that are housed in a certain area。A modern metropolis was forged when a great number of farmers and herdsmen were forcibly displaced and driven into industrial centres amid the industrial revolution,hence creating the clustering of industrial production and consumption。In this sense,Chinese metropolises started to take shape in the middle 19th century,while the massive urbanization process did not kick in until the 1980s。The image of metropolises,from an angle of fine art,is more than simple depiction of urban construction-it also captures images of migrant workers from rural places。A new working class,namely farmers who came to work in cities and therefore became disassociated from land,captured in artworks symbolizes the urbanization started in China at the end of the 20th century。
  FAST economic growth in China has been largely reflected in massive urbanization that has been taking place within its border。Modern metropolises,with a goal to realize low-carbon and smart development,have enabled new lifestyles for people。In the metropolises,creative parks and art galleries that are transformed from former industrial buildings are gradually replacing the old landmarks as new,dynamic cultural landmarks。Thanks to the wider use of multi-media,visual art has made progress at a scale that we have never seen before,which has overhauled the dominance of easel art。Metropolis serves as creative host,production machine and consumption black-hole of visual art。Be it the manual artwork or the digital-analog,the gallery displaying or the online browsing,the real-life installation or cloud-based storage/remote review,images of metropolises from an art perspective has a broader meaning than a simple recreation of the social landscape,which has been expanded to imaginary exploration in terms of both depth and capacity。It appears that what is kept on the cloud is sustaining the spirituality of men and women living in cities。The illusion seems to have ultimate control over people’s minds,emotions,and behaviours。
  Three representative Chinese cities,Shanghai,Shenzhen and Kunming,have been selected to best convey the images of metropolises from the perspective of fine art。
  Shanghai,the very start of a modern Chinese metropolis,has grown to be a global metropolis from a foreign settlement region about more 170 years ago when Shanghai was nothing but remote fishing villages。The earliest industrial clusters,workers,newspapers and western cultural communities in China,pushed this city to integrate with the global community and grow into a significant model for Chinese metropolises。Images about the Bund in paintings provide a glimpse into the“Paris of the East”in the period of the Republic of China;the immigrant culture in this city also contributes to the innate inclination for extraneous art。Global perspectives seem to be an inherent cultural instinct of the city。
  As a pioneer of reform and opening up,Shenzhen Special Zone celebrated its 40th anniversary。In just four decades,a miraculous record in creating a dynamic,large metropolis has been set。Now,Shenzhen is among the most important hubs of the digital industry and design sector。This new immigrant city has unleashed tremendous power for cultural integration。Through the concept of“Beyond the Ink”and a host of art biennial events including Shenzhen International Ink-wash Biennial,Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial,China-Guanlan International Print Biennial and Dafen International Oil Painting Biennial,the economic growth in Shenzhen has stimulated new combinations and development in culture and art。
  Over two thousand years ago,Kunming was an essential hub along the“Southern Silk Road”。Now,it is a key city in western China。With a long history,the city has been sustaining economic and trade ties between the East Asian Continent,Indo-China Peninsula and South Asian Subcontinent,as a key gateway to Southeast Asia and South Asia。A locus of ethnic groups living in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau,Yunnan has accumulated rich reserves of cultures and customs of multiple ethnic minorities and nurtured the reforms in Chinese modern fine art in a new age。Here,inspired by this land rich in beauty,local artists and those from other regions in China have found paths for breakthroughs in modern arts。The revolution of cities reflected in art manifests the integration of diversified cultures,where tradition and modernity,countryside and urbanity,nature and fashion can be shared on the same facet。
  Themed as“Beyond the Metropolises”,the Kunming Art Biennial narrates the stories of three metropolises from an angle of fine art。The three cities with distinctive histories,Shanghai as the start of the modern metropolis in China,Shenzhen as the pioneer of reform and opening-up and Kunming as the gateway of Southern Silk Road will generate a unique and significant connection。In doing this,we set to unveil diversified patterns under different geographic conditions and cultural contexts over the course of urbanization in China。
  The Biennial includes three sections-“History and Literature”,“Modern Spectacle”and“World in the Cloud”。
  The first section“History and Literature”displays the transformation of three cities in history。Folk customs that have been kept alive since ancient times in Yunnan can still be found in rare remaining buildings and blocks,while the Bund is the direct visualization of the colonial culture in the period of the Republic of China。The small fishing village that Shenzhen used to be has been replaced by the high-rises and the memories of the earliest days of the city may be found in the images and sounds of the vendors in Zhongying Street。Art images set to recover the memories that we have of the past。Those images serve a purpose greater than an objective recording of the cities – they help discover cultural elements in city revolution from an up-to-date perspective。What are the most valuable lies in each individual memories and experience of the history and the cities。
  “Modern Spectacle”offers a realist presentation of three metropolises as they are now,with artworks about the up-and-down skylines that everyone is familiar with,busy commercial centres,dense residential areas and congested streets。Images of metropolises in the emotional world are manifest in forms of anxiety,fatigue and depression of people dressed in style。Extremely abundant material life in today’s cities has stimulated growing desires,while the fast-paced work models that are all about efficiency and accuracy have split human nature。In the Modern Landscape depicted by artists,narrowing gender differences and even misplacement,growing class disparity,rigid status,imbalance and destruction of natural ecology constitute an extension from the humanity-civilization relationship to the reflection on and concern for our fate as human beings。
  The section“World in the Cloud”envisions possibilities of metropolises into a digital age。Using an imaginary approach,artists create a“city in the cloud”at a“5G age”。In such an advanced civilization of today’s world,mankind was surprisingly gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic。Overnight,the modern health system seems to have collapsed。Then the 5G network provides a life network beyond the cities,an invisible network that helps mankind re-establish connections with the world and break away from the isolation。The virtual world is a path for us to get back on our feet amid the pandemic。The virtual has changed the reality and even replaced the reality。From this perspective,artists envision and present the blessing on mankind brought by“Beyond the Metropolises”。
  On the last day of 2020,we pay tribute to all who have lost their lives to the pandemic。Here all the artworks serve as stairs leading up to metropolises in the cloud。
  “Beyond the Metropolises”is an aspiration of aesthetics。
  Curatorial Team
  总策展人 尚 辉
  Curator Shang Hui
  总策展人 罗 江
  Curator Luo Jiang
  Academic Guests
  丁 宁
  郑 工
  王 端 廷
  王 平
  策展人 董雪莹
  策展人 郭延容
  策展人 尚一墨
  云 南 省 文 化 和 旅 游 厅
  云 南 美 术 馆
  云 南 画 院
  名 誉 主 任
  赵 金中共云南省委 常委
  中共云南省委 宣传部部长
  刘洪建 云南省政府 副省长
  云南省政府 党组成员
  罗 杰 中共云南省委 宣传部常务副部长
  徐 里 中国美术家协会分党组书记
  中国美术家协会 秘书长
  中国美术家协会 驻会副主席
  主 任
  曾 艳 云南省文化和旅游厅 党组书记
  云南省文化和旅游厅 厅长
  李 勇 云南省文学艺术界联合会 党组书记
  云南省文学艺术界联合会 主席
  王江红 云南省文化和旅游厅 党组成员
  云南省文化和旅游厅 副厅长
  缪开和 云南省文学艺术界联合会 党组成员
  云南省文化和旅游厅 副主席
  罗 江 云南省文学艺术界联合会 副主席
  云南美术馆 馆长
  云南画院 院长
  云南省美术家协会 主席
  委 员(按姓氏拼音排序)
  包朝阳 陈劲松 陈 流 戴 杰 郭 巍 郭 游
  阚友刚 贺 昆 李春华 李 恒 刘胡乐 罗少杰
  马 捷 汤海涛 王凯祺 杨恩泉 杨 鹏 姚钟华
  张 鸣 周 颜 周 扬
  总 策 展 人 尚 辉 罗 江
  执 行 策 展 董雪莹 郭延容 尚一墨
  学 术 主 持 尚 辉
  丁 宁 马 宁 邵培德 汤海涛 王端廷
  王 平 王 新 赵星垣 郑 工
  统 筹 董雪莹
  展览办公室 彭楹文 王铃灵 肖娅 王航 董艳菠
  展 览 助 理 傅尔加周 张丁凡 许芮璇 李恒楠
  宣 传 深圳汇禾传媒
  视 觉 设 计 杨础聿
  主 任 潘 伟 闫世鹏
  办公室成员 杨 娥 齐鸣宇 赵一婷 宁又贤
  阎劭栋 杨学成 王小川 黄赵军
  蔡广斌 曹 悦 陈玲洁 陈 流 陈群杰
  陈湘波 陈向兵 陈心懋 陈 欣 戴 耘
  董小明 富中奇 郭 浩 郭 巍 和丽斌
  贺 昆 黄阿忠 黄钰文 李 磊 李 平
  李向阳 梁 铨 梁 宇 梁 芳 刘明鉴
  刘子建 陆 佳 罗 江 罗 威 罗 菲
  毛冬华 苗瀚文 潘文滟 任四四 邵培德
  孙 源 屠 潇 汪 蓝 文祯非 肖 凡
  亚 丽 严智龙 杨 光 杨晓洋 杨正国
  尹雁华 于长江 曾晓峰 张吉洪 张方白
  张雨松 郑 强 钟 曦 周昌新 周胤辰
  周章科 邹 明
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