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1# 贡嘎山

[2011年Critters caught on a high-speed camera


Scott Linstead

Veiled chameleon

A veiled chameleon extends its tongue to catch a cricket. Canadian wildlife photographer Scott Linstead, formerly an aerospace engineer and high school teacher, uses a device called Phototrap "to not only photograph the elusive, but also the unimaginably quick."

Phototrap "interfaces with either your camera or your flash," he says, and it basically helps "trigger the shutter of your camera when the photographic subject passes through a defined position in space."

In this photo, "the success of the image depends on the willingness of the captive chameleon to eat outside of its regular enclosure," he says. "The veiled chameleon is the ideal chameleon species for this project as it is often less prone to stress during handling than other chameleon species."

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黑龙滩风光 中国曾从法国进口的高德隆 G飞机
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-4 13:07:29|只看该作者
▲温馨提示:图片的宽度最好1800 像素,目前最佳显示是 900 像素,请勿小于 900 像素▲

Scott Linstead

Sugar Glider

Linstead "had a brief opportuntiy to photograph this disagreeable creature (a marsupial) in captivity after business hours at a local pet store. I chose a black background as I thought I could get away with it given the nocturnal habits of this marsupial. The 'take off' perch to the right of the image was a cat's scratching post, and the glider is en route to his cage on the bottom left."

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-4 13:06:56|只看该作者

Scott Linstead


This was another studio image "birthed out of the desire to have full control over the habitat and lighting for an insect flight shot," Linstead says. "The image was produced on my kitchen table." A custom-made Plexiglass device "was used to guide the bee's flight path. I also oriented the set so that the flight path pointed directly at my open patio door so that the bee could fly right to freedom after tripping the camera."

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-4 13:05:36|只看该作者

Scott Linstead /

Female regal jumping spider

In a move you'd see at a Cirque du Soleil show, this female regal jumping spider moves with ease, as captured by Linstead.

"The left-to-right jumps are considerably easier to photograph than the head-on ones," he says. "Unfortunately this perspective lacks the eye contact that gives this species its charm."

A secondary benefit from using backlighting on the shot, he says, is that it highlights the spider's web.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-4 13:05:07|只看该作者

Scott Linstead


"The osprey image was a personal obsession of mine," Linstead says. "I had the rare opportunity to spend four days in a tiny hide at the edge of a pond in Finland. This location near Tampere is arguably the best spot on earth to photograph this behavior." The chance for the image didn't happen right away. "Twelve hours per day in the blind produced this image on the second day," he says.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-4 13:04:39|只看该作者

Scott Linstead

Brown Basilisk

The Brown Basilisk is also referred to as the "Jesus Lizard," "Jesus Christ Lizard" or "Lagarto de Jesus Cristo" for its ability to run on the surface of water. When the lizards flee from predators, they gather sufficient momentum to run across the water for a brief distance while holding most of their body out of the water.

This shot was taken in a rented warehouse space. It was "extremely difficult to photograph, given that they only run a couple times a day," Linstead says.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-4 13:04:14|只看该作者

Scott Linstead

Great gray owl

This beautiful owl was photographed in Ontario, Canada during a heavy snowstorm.

"Shooting during the storm was a conscious decision to improve the value of the image through mood and atmosphere," Linstead says. "What I did not plan on was an image showcasing the owl's legs, which have become a large part of the interest and continued publication of this image."

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-4 13:03:49|只看该作者

Scott Linstead

Green frog

This shot of a Green frog represents one of Linstead's "earliest studio attempts with a local species."

"The 'swamp' environment is a creation of mine involving native vegetation and a boot tray," he says.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-4 13:03:19|只看该作者

Scott Linstead

Blue Jay

Blue Jays "can easily be lured into an outdoor photo set-up by leaving their favorite snack out: peanuts," says Linstead.

The photographer says his "purchase of a 500mm lens in 2006 quickly elevated avian photography from a serious hobby to the point of obsession."

6# 青城山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-4 13:02:50|只看该作者

Scott Linstead /

Regal 'orange morph' jumping spider

Talk about up close and personal: This female regal "orange morph" jumping spider jumped directly onto Linstead's camera lens.

Floridian jumping spiders, says Linstead, "have these huge, forward-facing eyes, and although they have three more pairs of eyes that account for peripheral vision, once they detect movement, they tend to direct that largest pair at the source. This creates the impression that they are trying to engage us in eye contact."

Florida isn't the only place to find these spiders, Linstead says, but the state's "native species are large and colorful."

Another reason Linstead was drawn to photograph the spider is that "they can jump, and do so in the most photogenic way, trailing a safety line of web as insurance in case their leap doesn’t turn out as planned."

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