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1# 贡嘎山
 雪儿 发表于: 2011-10-25 13:04:55|只看该作者|只看大图|正序浏览回帖奖励|阅读模式

[2011年Turkey Earthquake Pictures: Devastation on the Day After


Turkey Earthquake Rescue

Photograph by Abdurrahman Antakyali, Aatolia/AP

People search through collapsed buildings in the village of Tabanli, near the city of Van, hoping to rescue those trapped under debris—victims of the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that struck Turkey yesterday afternoon.
The Turkey earthquake, one of the most severe in the country since 1999, was centered just outside of the provincial capital of Van (map), near Turkey's border with Iran. The quake was followed by multiple aftershocks, including one that registered as a magnitude 6.0, according to CNN.
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Bazaar Tents, Turkey 学习窍门:初中数学学习口诀
6# 青城山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-10-25 13:07:03|只看该作者
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Huddled Together

Photograph by Mustafa Pzer, AFP/Getty Images

Wrapped in blankets against the cold, survivors of the Turkeyearthquake sit on the street in Ercis on Monday.

Many survivors opted to sleep on rooftops or in the streets after the quake, either because their homes were uninhabitable or out of fear of the multiple aftershocks, CNN reported.
5# 华蓥山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-10-25 13:06:05|只看该作者

Digging Crane

Photograph by Adem Altan, AFP/Getty Images

Turkeyearthquake survivors watch as a crane digs through rubble in Van on Monday.

In addition to delivering tents and supplies, the Turkish Red Crescent is reportedly providing emotional support for people who've lost loved ones or who are waiting to hear about the missing.

"This is very difficult work," the Red Crescent's Erskoy told the Guardian. "We're working with psychologists to provide the best support that we can."
4# 金佛山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-10-25 13:05:47|只看该作者

Standing Witness

Photograph by Osman Orsal, Reuters

Turkeyearthquake survivors stand in front of a collapsed building in Ercis on Sunday night.

In addition to those who lost their homes, many people in the affected region are reluctant to return to the buildings that are still standing, and relief groups are now working to accommodate thousands of people in tent cities and other makeshift shelters.

A spokesperson with the Turkish Red Crescent said that up to 13,000 tents—each big enough to hold four people—have been sent to the quake zone, and the aid agency is preparing to temporarily house as many as 40,000 survivors, Reuters reported.
3# 峨眉山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-10-25 13:05:30|只看该作者

Collapsed Homes

Photograph by Osman Orsal, Reuters

Workers head toward a collapsed building in Ercis on Monday in continued efforts to save people trapped in debris following the magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Turkey.

About 970 buildings in the region were demolished by the quake, according to CNN, including about 55 structures in Ercis.

The earthquake struck in eastern Turkey, reportedly one of the country's poorest areas. The death toll due to collapsed buildings is being blamed partly on the prevalence of mud-brick construction in the surrounding villages, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said during a press conference in Van, according to the Guardian.
2# 四姑娘山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-10-25 13:05:12|只看该作者

Waiting for Rescue

Photograph by Umit Bektas, Reuters

After yesterday's Turkeyearthquake, a young boy named Yunus waits to be rescued from under a collapsed building in the city of Ercis—on the north shore of Lake Van—early Monday. The hand of another, unseen victim rests on his shoulder.

Following the initial earthquake on Sunday, rescue teams began using heavy equipment such as diggers and cranes to remove big pieces of debris before going through the wreckage with picks, shovels, and even bare hands, the Guardian reported.

Rescuers worked through the night to find survivors. In many cases, workers found trapped people when the victims used their cell phones to call emergency lines, according to the Turkish Anatolia news agency.
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