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1# 贡嘎山

[2011年Summertime fun


Ben Fogletto / The Press of Atlantic City via AP

Bring on DMB

A crowd disperses some energy batting beach balls before the Dave Matthews Band show at Bader Field in Atlantic City, N.J.

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Animal Tracks Celebrity sightings
2# 四姑娘山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-7 13:12:58|只看该作者
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Mike Blake / Reuters

Blowin' in the wind

Children play with giant bubbles as the sun sets at Moonlight State Beach in Encinitas, Calif.

3# 峨眉山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-7 13:13:13|只看该作者

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Row, row, row your boat

A family paddles on Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park on the first day of summer when the San Francisco Bay Area experienced its first heat wave of the season with temperatures in the 70's at the coast and up to 100 degrees in inland areas.

4# 金佛山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-7 13:14:20|只看该作者

Greg Kreller / Idaho Press-Tribune via AP

Cool dude

Six-year-old Hector Moreno plays in the downtown Nampa fountain in Nampa, Idaho, when temperatures were in the low 90s.

5# 华蓥山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-7 13:14:45|只看该作者

Colin Mulvany / The Spokesman-Review via AP

Drinks for laptops

Madison Cook, 11, top, and her brother Bryce Cook, 13, await customers for their coffee and assorted fruit-flavored drinks in Spokane, Wash. "We're just hanging out trying to make some money to buy arts and crafts supplies and laptops," Bryce said.

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