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Afghanistan 过去战争中的阿富汗

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:46:05|只看该作者

Erin Grace Trieb / PANOS

Medics treat an Afghan soldier who was shot in the face during a firefight with the Taliban.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:47:35|只看该作者
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Erin Grace Trieb / PANOS

Staff treat an Afghan child who was shot in the leg by U.S. forces during a firefight with militants.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:47:51|只看该作者

Erin Grace Trieb / PANOS

Technicians prepare an Afghan boy for X-rays. The child was shot in the leg by U.S. forces during a firefight.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:48:05|只看该作者

Erin Grace Trieb / PANOS

Spc. Jon Andrew Fanlo, 23, sits exhausted in the trauma center.

“We were on a routine patrol and were hit around 6 a.m. when we struck an IED on Georgia Road in the Tangi Valley,” he said. “The nurses were really cool with me. Every time I had some pain they were right there, they were always checking on me,” said Fanlo, who was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury.

Fanlo left Afghanistan and was sent to Walter Reed after medics discovered the extent of his injuries. “The left side of my face was numb, and so they sent me home. I was pissed off about this, I really wanted to stay,” he said. “My buddies are still over there, everyone is still over there. I didn’t want to leave my guys behind.” “When I first got to (Walter Reed) it was pretty hard,” he said. “At first, I was probably getting about an hour of sleep each night. I’m having a problem with short-term memory. But I’m getting better.”

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:48:27|只看该作者

Erin Grace Trieb / PANOS

Medic Spc. Shanna Lynk, left, and Capt. Michelle Racicot wash stretchers outside the trauma center after a day of treating patients.

"This job is the most challenging I have ever had because of the reality of the situations we run across, but it is also the most rewarding," Racicot said.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:48:41|只看该作者

S. Sabawoon / EPA

Afghan police personnel attend a graduation ceremony for 450 new officers in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Tuesday, Feb. 17. International donors have financed the bulk of the force's budget, since the Afghan government does not have the revenue to pay its police. The international community pays salaries of the national police through the Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan, administered by the United Nations.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:48:56|只看该作者

S. Sabawoon / EPA

Former Taliban militants are seen praying during a ceremony to mark their reconciliation with the Afghan government, in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Tuesday. Some 60 former Talban militants laid down their arms and joined the peace process.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:49:09|只看该作者

Joel Saget / AFP - Getty Images

An Afghan carries a bag of food after a distribution by the Afghan army on Monday in Dawlatkhel, in the Alassay valley.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:49:21|只看该作者

Spencer Platt / Getty Images

Afghan girls attend school Monday in the village of Sandarwa in eastern Afghanistan. Women’s education has been severely compromised in Afghanistan as a resurgent Taliban has intimidated female students. Women have been killed, burned and threatened for attending school.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-16 12:49:35|只看该作者

Paula Bronstein / Getty Images

An Afghan boy stands by his fruit cart during a snowstorm that hit Kabul on Friday, closing the airport.

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