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1# 贡嘎山

[2011年The East Coast digs out


Chris Hondros / Getty Images

Snow covers the tarmac at John F. Kennedy International Airport's Terminal 4 on Tuesday, Dec. 28, in New York City. Flights have slowly started to resume in New York but lines to rebook have been long.

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那一场不愿醒来的梦 陆地火箭 Mosler最强跑车
2# 四姑娘山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-18 20:52:34|只看该作者
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Chris Hondros / Getty Images

People sleep and eat on the floor while waiting for a flight at Terminal 4 of John F. Kennedy International Airport Tuesday.

3# 峨眉山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-18 20:54:00|只看该作者

Mel Evans / AP

A New Jersey Transit train arrives at the Princeton Junction station Tuesday in West Windsor, N.J.

4# 金佛山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-18 20:54:31|只看该作者

Stan Honda / AFP - Getty Images

A front-end loader removes snow in New York's Times Square on Tuesday ahead of New Year festivities.

5# 华蓥山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-18 20:55:16|只看该作者

Stan Honda / AFP - Getty Images

A doorman shovels a path on the east side of Manhattan on Tuesday after the blizzard dropped 20 inches of snow in the area.

6# 青城山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-18 20:55:40|只看该作者

Beth Defalco / AP

Dave Duncan sits in his Honda Civic, buried on the street, in Asbury Park, N.J., on Tuesday.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-18 20:57:05|只看该作者

Don Emmert / AFP - Getty Images

Travelers wait in ticketing lines at New York's LaGuardia airport on Tuesday.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-18 20:58:13|只看该作者

Mel Evans / AP

Icicles melt in the afternoon sun as temperatures rise into the high 30s Tuesday in Hamilton, N.J.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-18 20:58:41|只看该作者

Jeffrey Boan / AP

This traveler at Miami International Airport was among the many waiting Tuesday for flights after the Northeast blizzard caused backups across the country.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-18 20:59:05|只看该作者

Matt Rourke / AP

A young person sleds down a snow covered hill at Belmont Plateau in Philadelphia on Monday. A blizzard pummeled the Northeast on Monday, dumping up to 29 inches of snow, disrupting air and rail travel and challenging motorists with blowing snow and icy roads at the end of the busy Christmas weekend. New York City, eastern New Jersey and western Long Island were the hardest hit by the storm.

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