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1# 贡嘎山

[2011年Critters caught on a high-speed camera


Scott Linstead

Veiled chameleon

A veiled chameleon extends its tongue to catch a cricket. Canadian wildlife photographer Scott Linstead, formerly an aerospace engineer and high school teacher, uses a device called Phototrap "to not only photograph the elusive, but also the unimaginably quick."

Phototrap "interfaces with either your camera or your flash," he says, and it basically helps "trigger the shutter of your camera when the photographic subject passes through a defined position in space."

In this photo, "the success of the image depends on the willingness of the captive chameleon to eat outside of its regular enclosure," he says. "The veiled chameleon is the ideal chameleon species for this project as it is often less prone to stress during handling than other chameleon species."

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爱情密码 Conflict in Libya
2# 四姑娘山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-21 22:13:10|只看该作者
▲温馨提示:图片的宽度最好1800 像素,目前最佳显示是 900 像素,请勿小于 900 像素▲

Scott Linstead /

Regal jumping spiderling

If this were a Hollywood movie set, you might think the spiderling was making its way onto a gigantic faux penny.

Not so. It's a real penny, and the details we can see in the little creature -- including its eyes and furry legs -- are amazing.

"The tiny spiderling was fresh out of the nest, and I wanted to show scale relative to something omnipresent and recognizable," says Linstead.

3# 峨眉山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-21 22:13:52|只看该作者

Scott Linstead

Archer fish

In the first photo, left, a predatory archer fish displaces a cricket from its perch over the waterline by squirting a jet of water. In the photo on the right, the fish breaches to devour the cricket.

The photographer says the breach behavior was captured purely by chance while trying to photograph the spitting behavior. "When I lowered the 'cricket perch' to the water's surface, the fish would jump out to try and grab it manually instead of the more sophisticated method that it is known for," Linstead says.

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