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1# 贡嘎山

[2012年Animal Tracks: March 14-21

Andrey Smirnov / AFP - Getty Images

Bird fight!

Two geese take part in a traditional goose fight in the Russian town of Pavlovsk, outside Moscow, on March 17. All birds were tested by veterinarians for possible illnesses before the fight. Veterinarians also ensured their safety during the event

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梦里花落知多少 各地掠影:聚焦2012世界水日
2# 四姑娘山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2012-3-22 11:08:11|只看该作者
▲温馨提示:图片的宽度最好1800 像素,目前最佳显示是 900 像素,请勿小于 900 像素▲
Toby Talbot / AP

Little lambs take a stroll

A pair of lambs walk in a pasture at the Comstock House Bed & Breakfast on March 19 in Plainfield, Vt.

3# 峨眉山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2012-3-22 11:09:02|只看该作者
Carlos Barria / Reuters

Luscious licker

A dairy cow eats grass at a small farm on the outskirts of Hohhot in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on March 14.

4# 金佛山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2012-3-22 11:09:45|只看该作者
The Buffalo Zoo / Reuters
5# 华蓥山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2012-3-22 11:10:01|只看该作者
Vladimir Pirogov / Reuters

Don't mess with this kitty cat

A Don Sphynx cat is seen during a cat exhibition in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on March 18. About 100 animals from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan took part in the event.

6# 青城山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2012-3-22 11:10:17|只看该作者
Mariana Bazo / Reuters

Penguins at the pool

Humboldt penguins are seen in a pool during a presentation at a zoo in Lima, Peru on March 15. The zoo's staff says several years of research have shown that Humboldt penguins display a considerable level of intelligence. (They even enjoy instrumental music!) This species, whose habitat stretches from central coastal Chile to central coastal Peru, has been suffering a drastic decrease in its population due to climate-change effects, according to the zoo's veterinarians.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2012-3-22 11:10:32|只看该作者
Itsuo Inouye / AP

I am hungry!

A 6-year-old male giant panda named RiRi stands on hind legs to reach out for an apple at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan on March 17.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2012-3-22 11:10:46|只看该作者
Luis Robayo / AFP - Getty Images

It's turtle time

One turtle crawls onto another in their cage at the Villa Lorena animal shelter in Colombia on March 14. Colombian law prohibits the possession of wild animals as pets. A total of 1,156 wild animals in captivity, including this pair of turtles, were seized by police in 2011.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2012-3-22 11:11:03|只看该作者
Ken Bohn / San Diego Zoo via AP

Milo the joey

A koala joey named Milo experiences his first full exam at the San Diego Zoo's veterinary hospital on March 14. The youngster, who only just recently emerged from his mother's pouch, was anesthetized so doctors could X-ray and examine him thoroughly. Once the short exam was over, the joey was returned, fully awake, to his mother. The San Diego Zoo's koala colony is the largest group of this species outside of Australia.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2012-3-22 11:11:17|只看该作者
Vadim Ghirda / AP

A peck for not wearing green?

A parrot alights from a child's head during St. Patrick's Day celebrations in Bucharest, Romania, on March 17. Romanians and members of the Irish community gathered in the historic part of the Romanian capital for the celebrations.

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