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1# 贡嘎山



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Maya Tomb, Honduras

Photograph by Kenneth Garrett, National Geographic

Anticipation is a skill that all great photographers draw on when searching for the right moment to press the shutter. While shooting this delightful photo, I can just imagine Ken Garrett framing this scene and then following the little monkey as he walked through the shot … tail up … get to that open area, little buddy … BiNGO! A great photograph. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: When you feel that something wonderful is about to happen, trust your instinct. Be patient and ready for that magical moment when it all comes together. Resist the temptation to shoot too much or too soon, or you may miss the decisive moment.
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Composition Palette
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-10 14:04:28|只看该作者
▲温馨提示:图片的宽度最好1800 像素,目前最佳显示是 900 像素,请勿小于 900 像素▲

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Maya Tomb, Honduras

Photograph by Kenneth Garrett, National Geographic

Anticipation is a skill that all great photographers draw on when searching for the right moment to press the shutter. While shooting this delightful photo, I can just imagine Ken Garrett framing this scene and then following the little monkey as he walked through the shot … tail up … get to that open area, little buddy … Bingo! A great photograph. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: When you feel that something wonderful is about to happen, trust your instinct. Be patient and ready for that magical moment when it all comes together. Resist the temptation to shoot too much or too soon, or you may miss the decisive moment.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-10 14:03:52|只看该作者

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Fishermen, Chad

Photograph by Gordon Gahan, National Geographic

When working with silhouettes it is important to consider each figure in the frame, even those in the distance, because the high contrast will make every figure pop. In this shot, photographer Gordon Gahan has wisely gotten very low and shot through the fishing net. He has captured the perfect story-telling moment of fish and figures in silhouette. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: When photographing a high contrast scene, know that the body language of every figure will read more powerfully than in normal light. If the scene is full of activity, it will take very thoughtful shooting to capture the right moment.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-10 14:03:38|只看该作者

Covered Bridge

Photograph by Bruce Dale, National Geographic

This classic American moment—a boy and his dog—is made more delightful by the setting. Photographer Bruce Dale wisely chose to stand back and use the bridge to frame the scene. In these situations, a photographer must anticipate and prepare for a moment that may or may not happen, for a moment like this, where the boy and the dog look toward one another in an idyllic scene. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: Sometimes a moment is made more poignant by the scene in which it takes place. The photographer must continually make decisions about framing as he or she anticipates a moment. Remember, closer is not always better. If you have a great scene, use it.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-10 14:03:25|只看该作者

African Lion Mother and Cub, Tanzania

Photograph by Mitsuaki Iwago, Minden Pictures

Everything about this photographic moment is tender. The light, the gesture, the color are perfect. But there is also a small detail that completes the intimacy of this scene by photographer Mitsuaki Iwago. It is the small catch-light in the lion cub’s eye. Perfect. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: Capturing the catch-light in a subject’s eye can take a photograph from lovely to sublime. Eyes are the windows to the soul, so when the eye reflects a beam of light, it draws viewers in and makes them feel a greater intimacy with the subject
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-10 14:03:12|只看该作者

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Victoria Falls, Zambia

Photograph by Annie Griffiths, National Geographic

In situations that are active and thrilling, surprisingly quiet moments can take place. These moments feel even more powerful because of the setting. This photo, taken at the top of Victoria Falls, is a simple moment of contemplation at the end of a crazy adventure. But the setting and the light make it memorable. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: Adventure photography leads to lots of thrilling images. But remember to also watch for those moments of contemplation that can happen when the adventurer pauses to reflect on his extraordinary experience.
6# 青城山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-10 14:02:58|只看该作者

Ballerina, Cuba

Photograph by James L. Stanfield, National Geographic

Some of the best moments happen behind the scenes, before or after the main event. These are the times when people are unguarded because they are too busy, or too exhausted, to care about the photographer. James Stanfield has captured such a moment in this lovely photograph. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: When covering any event, try to arrive early and stay late. Getting behind the scenes of a performance, sporting event, parade, or any other activity is bound to yield photographs that nobody else is getting.
5# 华蓥山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-10 14:02:44|只看该作者

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Silverback Gorilla, Africa

Photograph by Ian Nichols, National Geographic

Some photographic moments are memorable because they are so unlikely. It is impossible to look at this wonderful image by Ian Nichols and not smile. The juxtaposition of the giant silverback gorilla holding a delicate leaf is a delightful surprise and a unique moment. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: The phrase “wait for it” must have been coined by a photographer, because it is such an essential part of what we do. When photographing wildlife, capturing the perfect moment is just as important as it is with humans—and requires even more patience.
4# 金佛山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-10 14:02:24|只看该作者

Bride and Groom, Czech Republic

Photograph by James L. Stanfield, National Geographic

Wedding photography is traditionally a very controlled process, with lists of people who must be paraded in front of the camera. These photos often miss the joy and the personality of the couple and their guests. This wonderful moment, captured by photographer James Stanfield, says it all. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: If you’re shooting a wedding, follow that couple! Stick with the bride and groom before and after the ceremony. Watch for the unguarded moments that are bound to happen on such an emotional day.
3# 峨眉山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-7-10 14:02:13|只看该作者

Woman and Horse, Canada

Photograph by Michael Christopher Brown, National Geographic

Capturing an intimate moment in a photograph is perhaps the greatest challenge in photography. These moments must be earned through patience, trust, and perseverance. In this quiet, lovely photograph by Michael Christopher Brown, we are completely unaware of the photographer. The moment between the woman and her horse is so simple, but so real, that we feel an instant, emotional connection. —Annie Griffiths

Photo Tip: To capture an intimate moment, the photographer must learn how to earn the trust of the subject, as well as when to “disappear” and let life unfold. The subjects must feel so comfortable that they forget there’s a camera nearby.
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