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1# 贡嘎山


  笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)
  Mitsuaki Kimura(木村光明)
  According to the written confession of Mitsuaki Kimura from June to July 1954,he served as lieutenant captain of the Japanese Garrison Army in Handan,Hebei in January 1939.From November 1944 to 1945,he was captain of Boli County Military Police Branch of the“Manchukuo”。
  Major offences:
  March 1939:“searched and investigated”ordinary Chinese people in Handan County Seat,willfully“arrested two suspects and sent them to Sergeant Oshima of the attached Military Police”;
  March 1942:led and instructed Gubeikou Military Police“to arrest about 30 underground operators of the Eighth Route Army”in Shixia Township,Miyun County,and“ordered Unit Commander Sato to interrogate them on the spot”; in April,in Xinglong County,“arrested about 150 underground operators of the Eighth Route Army in Liudaohezi and about 130 of them were put into prison”;
  January 1943:“instructed the military police of Xifengkou…… to arrest about 150 underground operators of the Eighth Route Army at Jiuhuling”; after interrogation,“70 were handed in and 7 died during the interrogation with torture”;
  September:instructed the military police of Xifengkou to“arrest about 50 underground operators of the Eighth Route Army in a place 8 kilometers to the west of Xifengkou,Qinglong County; meanwhile,arrested another 30 in a place 4 kilometers to the west of Tiemenguan; I ordered Unit Commander Kasai to conduct the interrogation”;
  In the same year,ordered the military police to barbarously drive away the peasants who lived separately,tear down their houses,“forced them to relocate to existing villages”and“formed several depopulated zones in Xinglong,Qinglong,Luanping and Kharatsin Middle Banner of Rehe Province”;
  From May 1941 to October 1944:“I arrested about 80 patriotic soldiers of the Eighth Route Army in about 30 cases in the Chengde Military Police Headquarters; ……and combined with the previous memory,an estimated total number of 163 captives were sent to the Procuratorate”;
  April 1945:claiming that a businessman in Jining County in the puppet Donganhe Administration was an agent of the Soviet Union,arrested his daughter aged about 20 for interrogation and forced her to serve as a servant in my home.In July,when my wife was not home and“I was sexually stimulated on seeing her……I raped her once.”and from then on,she had been occupied by me for a long time;
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