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1# 贡嘎山

[2011年Quirks of art: Creators who work in madcap media


Millie Brown and SHOWstudio.com


If you drink enough milk dyed with food-coloring, you know what’s gonna happen, right? Millie Brown sure does, and she’s gotten her technique down to an art – literally. At a recent art show in London, Brown downed a whole bunch of milk dyed pretty colors, then stuck her fingers down her throat over a stretched canvas. Two classical singers serenaded her throughout the performance. Price of this “Nexus Vomitus” painting? A cool $2,400. To learn more about Millie Brown’s show, visit this SHOWstudio site. If you have a weak stomach, though, DO NOT watch this video.

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Unlikely friends 水泥房子
2# 四姑娘山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:08:02|只看该作者
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Courtesy of Raven J. Collins

Ashes to ashes

You may want to scatter your loved one’s ashes at sea. You may want to preserve them in a beautiful urn. Or, you may want to give Florida artist Raven Collins a call. She listens carefully as family members talk about their deceased relatives, and then she studies photographs of those who have passed away. When she’s finally ready, she uses graphite pencils and a teaspoon of a subject’s human remains to create lifelike portraits for surviving family members. To see more of Collins’ work, click here.

3# 峨眉山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:08:24|只看该作者

Courtesy of Margarita Mileva


New York architect and artist Margarita Mileva is fascinated by office supplies and other tools that are becoming obsolete thanks to technology. Paperclips, rubber bands and ribbons all have such interesting textures and colors, so why not give them a new life? Pictured here: A dress made entirely of rubber bands that Mileva created with her daughter.

4# 金佛山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:11:19|只看该作者

Courtesy of Tim Patch

The penile arts

Talk about a work of art that would do Hugh Hefner proud. You’re looking at one of the many creations of Tim Patch, an artist who paints with his penis (!!!) and goes by the stage name “Pricasso.” The English-born resident of Australia also has done portraits of former U.S. President George W. Bush, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and actor Steve McQueen. Over the years, Patch has learned to avoid acrylic paints and abrasive canvases -- but even so, his line of work often leaves him mighty sore.

5# 华蓥山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:14:00|只看该作者


Second skin?

Excuse me, is that cured human skin you’re wearing? Why, no! It’s SkinBag! Yes indeedy. SkinBag is the brainchild of Olivier Goulet, a French transmedia artist who created the material to symbolize “the ambivalence between the natural and the artificial ... and foresee the fusion between the digital and the organic.” This stuff isn’t just available in jacket form. You also can buy SkinBag handbags and accessories. To see more, visit SkinBag.net.

6# 青城山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:14:26|只看该作者

Terry Border / bentobjects.blogspot.com


Who says a humble ice cube can’t dare to dream? Of course, this little ice cube is pumping iron while studying a picture of the Titanic sinking. Hmmmm. It’s just one of the many hilarious creations of photographer Terry Border, author of “Bent Objects: The Secret Life of Everyday Things.” Border is adept at using common items – snack foods, wine corks, rocks – to tell stories and grab people’s attention.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:14:52|只看该作者

Satre Stuelke / RadiologyArt.com

A deeper look at fast food

Guess who started the Radiology Art project? A physician! Yes, Dr. Satre Stuelke couldn’t resist using a CT scanner to explore the hidden dimensions of everyday things. Here’s what Stuelke had to say about his scan of a Big Mac: “Note the sesame seed bun, pickles, special sauce and cheese all readily visualized within the box. Interestingly, spots of glue can be seen holding the tabs of the packaging. ... Note the chef's thumbprint in the top bun.”

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:15:39|只看该作者

Ray Villafane

Ghoulishly good

If pumpkin-carving were to become an Olympic event, Ray Villafane would be a contender for a gold medal. He’s trounced competing carvers on TV on “Food Network Challenge: Outrageous Pumpkins,” and he’s attained a healthy fan base online. One of his secrets to success: Choosing pumpkins with an oblong shape rather than a perfectly round shape.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:16:00|只看该作者

Jason Mecier / Rex USA

Poker face

San Francisco artist Jason Mecier uses random junk, candy, pills, beer bottles, car parts and other assorted loot to create mosaics of highly recognizable celebrities. His Kim Kardashian portrait is made of Red Vines licorice, and his Courtney Love collage is made of pills. This mosaic of Lady Gaga took him two months and hundreds of hours to make. (See Kermit in the background?) To see more of Mecier's

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:16:23|只看该作者

Reed Saxon / AP

Doggie-bag art

For three decades Miguel Carrillo, a busboy at Gladstones Malibu restaurant in Pacific Palisades, Calif., has crafted animal-shaped doggie bags out of aluminum foil. In mere minutes, he can turn leftover halibut into an island with a palm tree and mermaid, or a dolphin. "I love it," Carrillo said. "I see the people. They are happy. They like it, so I feel good. They laugh. They talk about me and say I'm the man."

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