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1# 贡嘎山

[其他Are you my mommy?


Tom Harvey and Keith Philpott


Meet furry, four-legged moms who adopted, nursed and nurtured animals of completely different species.

The first mom up is Isabella, a golden retriever in Kansas who adopted three white Bengal tiger cubs and nursed them as her own. The tiger cubs -- Nasira, Anjika and Sidani -- needed somewhere to turn because their mother stopped nursing them 15 hours after their birth. Zookeepers Tom and Allie Harvey brought the cubs home, and their dog Isabella stepped right up.

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我亲手做的木制房屋模型 模型
2# 四姑娘山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:46:17|只看该作者
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Caters News / ZUMApress.com

Squirrel learned to purr

Emmy, a sweet-natured tortoiseshell mother cat, readily adopted Rocky, a baby squirrel who fell out of his nest, in September 2010. Rocky landed in the yard of Jim and Karen Watkins of Carthage, Miss., and they brought him to Emmy to see whether she would nurse him along with her new litter of three kittens. She accepted the squirrel right away, and Rocky did some quick adapting of his own: He learned how to purr just like a cat.

3# 峨眉山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:46:35|只看该作者

Fame Pictures

She saved baby pig's bacon

Katjinga, a Rhodesian ridgeback dog who lives on a 20-acre farm in Germany, adopted an abandoned pot-bellied piglet in August 2009. The tiny black piglet, named Paulinchen, had been so small at birth that her mother likely overlooked it. Katjinga's owner, Roland Adam, found the piglet alone and cold and brought it to his 8-year-old dog. "She loved the piglet at first sight and cares about it in the way she did for her own puppies," Adam said. "Days later she started lactating again and giving milk for the piggy. She obviously regards it now as her own baby."

4# 金佛山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:47:08|只看该作者

Ashley Steven Ayscue / The Daily Dispatch via AP

Not as nutty as it looks

When the tree these baby squirrels called home was felled by a chain saw, Pixie the poodle was there to help. Pixie still had milk after giving birth to her first litter of puppies a few months earlier, and she accepted the three squirrels with no qualms in March 2010. She nursed the homeless squirrels for five weeks at her North Carolina home, and then an animal rehabilitation specialist continued raising them until they were ready to be released.

5# 华蓥山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:47:27|只看该作者

Lucy Schaly / AP

A cat with no dog issues

A Siamese cat named Amanda, owned by Debbie Girting of Beaver, Pa., is shown here nursing her two newborn kittens along with an orphaned litter of puppies in March 2010. Lucy, Girting's Maltese Pomeranian dog, gave birth to seven pups on March 7, and Amanda's kittens were born on the exact same day. Sadly, four days later, Lucy had a seizure and died. Amanda stepped right up and adopted the puppies as her own.

6# 青城山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:47:55|只看该作者

Barcroft / Fame Pictures

Instant love

Laska the Alsatian immediately viewed it as her mission to nurture two tiny, abandoned wild boars who were close to death when they were found in Hamburg, Germany in March 2010. The baby boars -- dubbed Alice and Emma -- were brought to the home of the Heckers, Laska's owners. Because of their small size, baby boars can't stay warm enough alone at night to keep alive. Laska focused on snuggling up against them to keep them warm, cleaning them with her tongue and picking them up whenever they toppled over.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:48:12|只看该作者

Muhammad Hamed / Reuters

I'm there for you

Smaigel the cat nurses her kittens and four puppies at her owner Mohammad Al-Hamoury's house in Amman, Jordan in February 2009. Smaigel took it upon herself to care for the puppies after their mother died in a car accident.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:48:30|只看该作者

Inje Municipal Government / Hand / EPA

Got elk?

The young elk pictured here was rescued from a flooding river by a farmer in South Korea in July 2009. This female dog eagerly adopted the elk and began breastfeeding and guarding him.

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:48:51|只看该作者

David Doemland / AP

'Mother instincts took over'

Chia, a Pomeranian in Emporia, Kan., let four abandoned kittens nurse from her in August 2000. Chia, who had a 2-week-old puppy of her own at the time, adopted the motherless kittens after they were found by her owner's boyfriend. "Her mother instincts took over," owner Kelsey Wilson said. "She herded them and got them to nurse."

 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-4-13 13:49:27|只看该作者

Ron Cohn / The Gorilla Foundation / koko.org

A gorilla's 'motherly instinct'

Koko the gorilla has loved cuddling and nurturing kittens since 1984. Gorilla Foundation volunteer Janis Turner arranged to have a litter of orphaned kittens visit Koko in September 2009, and Koko became especially enamored with a tiny orange kitten named Tigger, pictured here. "Something fascinated her about Tigger," Turner told PeoplePets.com. "Koko purrs. I get chills just thinking about it. She does this deep purr and she's so gentle and has this loving looking in her eye. ... Kittens are so calm around Koko because she has that motherly instinct."

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