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1# 贡嘎山

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Top 10 City Boat Trips:

Venice Vaporetto, Italy

Photograph by Don Hills, My Shot

Although gondolas may be romantic, true Venetians speed around the city in vaporettos, or water buses. You can get in the mood of the city straight from the airport. A vaporetto will take you into the city with stops at Murano and the Lido, Venice's beach, before dropping you off right in St. Mark's Square. Other routes head to different parts of the city.
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Tiger pups Life in Color: Red
2# 四姑娘山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-27 16:11:38|只看该作者
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Top 10 Canal Trips:

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Photograph by Michael Gurrey, My Shot

Low bridges, arching trees, and historic narrow houses line Amsterdam's many canals. Take a sightseeing or dinner cruise, or, better yet, stay in a houseboat hotel and make the canals your base. Alternatively, you can pedal along the canals yourself: Canal Bike rents pedal boats, which you can hire at one mooring and drop off at another.
3# 峨眉山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-27 16:12:02|只看该作者

Top 10 Sailing Cruises:

Ha Long Bay, Vietnam

Photograph by James Wilkinson, My Shot

Ha Long Bay, or the Bay of the Descending Dragon, in northeastern Vietnam is scattered with some 3,000 precipitous, strangely sculpted limestone islands and outcrops, and dotted with small floating villages and deserted sandy beaches. In spring and early summer the water is particularly calm and clear. This UNESCO World Heritage site is best explored by a cruise on a junk.
4# 金佛山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-27 16:12:19|只看该作者

Top 10 City Bus Trips:

New York City

Photograph by Richard Wynn, My Shot

Start in Harlem, famous for its African-American culture, then it's on to Central Park and Fifth Avenue. The bus takes you down Broadway and through the theater district—show business mecca—passing Greenwich Village and Little Italy farther south. End at Whitehall Terminal and ride the Staten Island Ferry with spectacular views of the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, and Manhattan.
5# 华蓥山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-27 16:12:40|只看该作者

Top 10 Ancient Highways:

Nakasendo Highway, Japan

Photograph by Michael S. Yamashita/National Geographic Stock

This narrow, 17th-century highway linking Kyoto and Edo (modern Tokyo) was built along the route of an older trail. Running for 310 miles (500 kilometers) along the shores of Lake Biwa, across mountain ranges and down onto the Kantō plain around Edo, it was meant for horses and pedestrians—the Japanese did not use carts. Parts of the tranquil route have been preserved and restored, which means that you have to walk them, as most of its original travelers did.
6# 青城山
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-27 16:13:19|只看该作者

Top 10 Trolley Rides:

#28, Lisbon, Portugal

Photograph by Volkmar K. Wentzel/National Geographic Stock

Lisbon's #28 tram crosses the city from east to west, climbing away from the center through the narrow cobbled streets and steep gradients of the Bairro Alto, Baixa, and Alfama districts. The small vintage trams navigate tight turns past markets, restaurants, and churches, and sometimes get caught in traffic jams. You can get off in the Graça neighborhood and catch a #37 bus to the Castelo de São Jorge, where you can enjoy views of the whole city.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-27 16:13:31|只看该作者

Top 10 Long-Distance Trails:

Milford Track, New Zealand

Photograph by Christine Cruz, My Shot

Described by hiking aficionados as the finest walk in the world, the track—from Glade Wharf on the northern shores of Lake Te Anu to Sandfly Point near Milford Sound on the west coast of the South Island—takes four days. The track starts by meandering through the beech-tree forests of the Clinton Valley, climbs to the Mackinnon Pass through subalpine tussock and alpine herbs, and then descends into the more diverse forest of the Arthur Valley with its ferns, mosses, and lichens.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-27 16:13:45|只看该作者

Top 10 Underground Walks:

Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky

Photograph by Stephen Alvarez/National Geographic Stock

Place-names such as Grand Avenue and Frozen Niagara give a notion of what's in the world's longest cave system. The oldest part was formed 10 million years ago, 9.5 million before Home sapiens made an appearance.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-27 16:14:08|只看该作者

Top 10 Whitewater Rafting Trips:

Futaleufú River, Chile

Photograph by Karl Weatherly/Getty

Plunging from glacier-fed lakes in the high Andes of Patagonia, the limpid blue waters of the Futaleufú River offer superb rafting among mountain scenery of alpine grandeur. Stretches are suitable for beginners, but there are also Class V rapids that will challenge even the most expert rafters.
 楼主|雪儿 发表于: 2011-6-27 16:14:23|只看该作者

Top 10 Cycle Routes:

Cape Argus Pick 'n' Pay Cycle Tour, South Africa

Photograph by Schalk Van Zuydam/AP

At 68 miles (109 kilometers), the Cape Argus ride isn't the world's longest open-ride race, but with some 35,000 participants, it may be the biggest. The course does a loop of the Cape Peninsula with constant ups and downs. If you're just happy to finish, you'll enjoy the many coastal sections and the portions through Table Mountain National Park.
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