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1# 贡嘎山
 Sichuanese 发表于: 2006-3-30 17:20:35|只看该作者回帖奖励|倒序浏览|阅读模式


  我的时代杂志是加拿大版的,所以绝大部分内容都和美国版相同。今天翻开时代杂志,第八页的一个大标题把我镇住了:China's Super Girl Needs a Rescue(中国的超级女生需要急救)。
  我看加拿大版的时代杂志有三年了,虽然中国报道常见,从来没有读到过超级女声的消息。之前李宇春上时代封面是亚洲版的,北美地区没有报道。这次电广总局打压超级女声的消息上了时代杂志北美版最显著的"Notebook"部分,这可是真真正正的扬名海外了。(我现在确定北美即加拿大和美国的时代杂志对此事都有统一报道。http://www.time_com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1176987,00.html 至于欧洲部分的时代杂志是否用北美的稿件,我不清楚)
  美国偶像--大。蒙牛酸酸乳超级女声--巨大。超级女声,作为由中国乳业公司赞助的“偶像”翻版,进行了四个月后的总决赛去年共吸引了4亿观众。通过短信投票,观众选择了李宇春--一个唱起来像男生并且有时穿的像Mick Jagger的21岁的学生--作为他们的2005年超级女生。
  未来的超级女声的抱负可能被打击了,但是新条款还是把最严厉的命令送给了评委们,这些人“应该必须积极健康……并且不得使参赛者难堪”。对于这条中国规定,(美国偶像)的评委Simon Cowell 说:“Crazy”
  From the Magazine | Notebook
  China's Super Girl Needs a Rescue
  Posted Monday, Mar. 27, 2006
  American Idol is big. MoNGOlian Cow Sour Yogurt Super Girl's Voice is huge. Super Girl--as China's dairy-company-sponsored imitation of Idol is known--drew a TV audience of 400 million for the finale of its four-month run last year. Voting by text message, viewers chose Li Yuchun, 21, a college student who sang like a man and sometimes dressed like Mick Jagger, as their 2005 Super Girl.
  It turns out that she may also be the last one. The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, China's chief broadcast regulator, last week issued new rules governing Idol-inspired shows. The directive says contests should contribute to "constructing a harmonious socialist society ... [They] must not make a hubbub about things as they please and must avoid creating stars." These restrictions may or may not prevent Super Girl from securing permission to air, but they're certain to cramp the show's style.
  Less certain is what prompted the rebuke, which has stoked vigorous debate among the show's Net-savvy fans. Some speculate that the authorities worried that voting for TV contestants would make the Chinese want to vote in other contexts, such as for their political leaders. Others thought Li and her fellow finalists were insufficiently prim role models. It's also possible that Super Girl--produced by a station in Hunan province--was upstaging CCTV, China's national network, which produces its own more subdued but far less popular ersatz Idol.
  Future Super Girls may see their ambitions quashed, but the directive reserves its harshest orders for prospective judges, who "should be positive and healthy ... They must not make contestants embarrassed." That last part may explain the original Simon Cowell's take on the Chinese rules: "Crazy." --By Susan Jakes
  From the Apr. 03, 2006 issue of TIME magazine
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